TAG Alliancesは国際的な専門家ネットワークで、TIAG®、TAGLaw®及びTAG-SP®で構成されています。
このうち2003年1月に設立されたTIAG®(The International Accounting Group)は、独立した会計事務所の世界的ネットワークであり、現在では70か国以上で115を超える会計事務所の会員を擁しています。
TAG Alliances is comprised of the leading professional alliances TIAG®, TAGLaw® and its most recent addition, TAG-SP®. Together, TAG Alliances has a combined global reach of more than 290 members in over 110 countries with more than 20,000 professionals.
TIAG® (The International Accounting Group), founded in January 2003, is a worldwide alliance of independent accounting firms. The alliance has established a global presence and now has a membership of more than 115 firms in over 70 countries.
Nature International Tax Firm became a member of TIAG (The International Accounting Group) as of January of 2020.
TIAG’s sister alliance, TAGLaw®, is an international alliance of independent law firms. Through TIAG’s relationship with TAGLaw, members of TIAG and their clients have international access to a wide range of both accounting and legal services.
Disclaimer: TIAG is an international alliance of independent accounting firms, who share common objectives and standards, but are not under common control or management. TIAG itself does not practice accounting. TIAG disclaims any responsibility or liability for acts or omissions of any of its member firms. Member firms in TIAG are not engaged in the joint practice of accountancy, nor is there any legal or partnership relationship between or among the TIAG members by virtue of their membership in TIAG.